• 语法专题会议及承办单位介绍(2013-05-09 17:47:16)
  • The Conference:

    A Series of International Symposiums on Chinese Grammar

    ‘A Series of International Symposiums on Chinese Grammar’ is an international forum on issues in the study of Chinese grammars. A theme is carefully selected from those hot topics and keys issues in the field of Chinese grammars for each conference. Usually about 100 scholars attend each conference, two third of them are from the mainland China, and one third from overseas and Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. Paper abstracts are invited from the public, and undergo anonymous reviews, the rejection rate is roughly about 50%. A book with well selected papers presented at the each conference is published after each conference. The conference is held bi-annually. So far four conferences have been held with the following themes in the October of an odd year on the campus of the Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

    Reduplications in Chinese: 2001

    Passives: 2003

    Verbs and Objects: 2005

    Grammars in Contrast:2007

    The Next Conference

    It has been decided that the fifth conference under the series is to be held in October 2009 in Wuhan, China, to be co-organized by the Research Center for Languages and Language Education, Central China Normal University and the Department of Chinese, Translation, and Linguistics, the City University of Hong Kong. Theme of the conference is Functional Categories in Chinese Grammar. Call for papers has already be published, the deadline of abstract submissions is June1, 2009, and acceptance letters will be posted by August 1, 2009.

    The Host of the First Four Conferences:

    Research Center for Languages and Language Education

    Central China Normal University

    The Research Center for Languages and Language Education, Central China Normal University is set up officially in May 1999. It soon was selected by the Chinese Ministry of Education as one of 100 national level strategic key research centers in Humanities and Social Sciences in November 2000. It is one of only three such centers of the whole University. Staffed strongly, the Center has over 20 full- and par-time researchers, 11 among them are full research professors, 11 associate professors. Four areas have been identified as the center’s research fields: Grammatical Theory and Chinese Grammar, Native Languages and Education of Native Languages, Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, and Language Education Modernization. It edits and publishes a quarterly academic journal: Chinese Linguistics.

    We are looking forward to cooperation with the City University of Hong Kong in co-organization of the Fifth Conference!



















  • 上一条:"句子功能"国际学术研讨会征稿启事 下一条:《汉语学报》2008年第4期出版
